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I have one prayer that represents my heart. I start with it everyday. It is an intimate prayer of surrender and it postures me before the Lord. This morning, for the first time in six years, I didn’t need it. I found that the struggle no longer lay in the surrender of myself, but it laid in the acceptance of God.

Do I trust You Lord? Do I believe You are enough? Can I rest in the mercies you have shown me? Do I believe You are big enough for what ever may come?

It is no longer wisdom and understanding that I seek. It is protection, strength and faith. As I seek my daily bread and portion, am I capable of trusting You in all the ways I need to during these uncertain times?

I am learning that faith is a posture and a commitment. It is intentional and deliberate. It requires action.

I have to seek Your word to believe and know You are God. I have to constantly recount all the ways You have provided for me in the past.

My faith has to be like Peter Pan’s happy thought, strong enough to make me fly. It has to be like Harry Potter’s happy thought. It must be strong enough to protect me from the dementors. It has to be second nature. I want my faith to be unwavering and focused.

Oh Lord, Please help my unbelief. I want to trust You. I want to have faith in You. I want to believe You are enough. Dearest Lord, I need more faith.

Do you need more faith?

Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. Matthew 22:37

12 comments on “I Need More Faith

  1. Catherine A Poole says:

    Beautiful as always. Sometimes I wonder if you see my heart.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. tabswindow says:

      Thank you Cathy! You encourage me!


      1. tabswindow says:

        Thank you! I appreciate you!


  2. helloredds says:

    Such an encouraging word! Amen!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. tabswindow says:

      Thank you for your encouragement!


    2. tabswindow says:

      It touches my heart!


  3. D says:

    I thought I trusted God completely till I lost my home, my job and friends due to a divorce. Then I discovered I really didn’t trust him …so gently God showed me… When there was no food, No money, no housing.. He made provision every time ….Every day! Over and over again.
    Now, there is no questioning his ability, His Love, His compassions . He turned a very bad thing to Good, just like he promised!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. D says:

    I thought I trusted God completely till I lost my home, my job and friends due to a divorce. Then I discovered I really didn’t trust him …so gently God showed me… When there was no food, No money, no housing.. He made provision every time ….Every day! Over and over again.
    Now, there is no questioning his ability, His Love, His compassions . He turned a very bad thing to Good, just like he promised!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. tabswindow says:

      God is so good! Thanks for sharing!


  5. tabswindow says:

    God is so good! Thanks for sharing!


  6. Hanna says:

    “I am learning that faith is a posture and a commitment. It is intentional and deliberate. It requires action.” — this is so good!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. tabswindow says:

      Thank you Hanna! You are an encouragement!!

      Liked by 1 person

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